Friday 13 December 2013

Is it time to turn your idea into innovation?

I wish you and yours the very best for 2014. May it be your best year yet. 

By two big wishes for you for 2014 are:
1) It will be the year when every day you do what you know you should do.

2) It will be the year you turn your great idea into innovation.

Innovation put simply is the successful implementation of an idea. You have ideas don’t you? I suspect like me that you have at least one special idea that you are yet to implement.

Will 2014 be your year?

“Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come”
Victor Hugo

Is it the time for your idea?

How much does your world need and want your idea?

We are drowning in information. What we crave is insight.

Your idea was born out of insight.

Ideas stay just ideas unless we can stay inspired long enough to implement our ideas. I implemented one of my great ideas this year - making my Enhancing Their Gifts System, a gift for fair-dinkum leaders I made for you with love, accessible to all who can value it. I first had the idea a decade ago. I got serious about it in June last year. I had many false starts, many failings. A lot of times I wanted to give up. I invested a lot of money, time and energy. I have been frustrated more than once. Love won in the end.

Have you felt like this about your idea, yet love has not yet triumphed?

Is is time to do whatever it takes to turn your idea into innovation?

The upside for me is that I have also experienced the excitement of creating something unique from scratch, the thrill of when what I have created actually working for people, and the unprecedented joy that comes from seeing someone else implement my idea in their own way.

Is it your turn?

The journey from information to insight to idea to inspiration to innovation is usually hard work. The impact that it makes however is always worth the effort.

Each of us is creative beyond measure, and each of us has the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual capacity to see past the information that threatens to drown us and discover insight, make up an idea, and stay inspired long enough for our idea to be successfully implemented.

Is is time to bring your idea into your world?

Love your idea like your dearest. Find people who love it too. Work with them to turn your idea into innovation and impact.

Maybe I can help you. I'm very good at helping people turn ideas into innovation and impact and the pre-steps where appropriate of turning information into insight into idea into inspiration. I'm not saying I would be a perfect fit for you, only you of course, can make that decision. Find out how my mentoring programs work here.

With gratitude to my readers, clients, colleagues, friends, and family.

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