Saturday 14 July 2007

Magnetic Messages

I have been a professional speaker for 17 years. The following is typical of the feedback that I have received in the past few months

“The best, most inspiring speaker that I've experienced since joining TEC five years ago”
“Couldn't be improved. Excellent at every level”
“Great personal learning. Very practical. I will use this”
“No points for improvement. It was perfect”
“Truly inspirational”
“Excellent perspective on business and life”
“One of the best speakers I have heard; excellent topic; great session”

You would think I would be very happy right? Wrong. I believe we can always be better. I just didn’t realise how much better I could be until I read Gihan Perera’s Magnetic Messages - the art and science of persuasive presentations. This book now has a permanent place on my desk. If you are a leader and you want to have more positive and productive influence get Gihan's book without delay.

Be remarkable

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