Friday 28 December 2007

Attitude, Attention, Appreciation with thanks to Alan Alda

My family and friends are well aware of my love of books and so it has become traditional for me to receive books as gifts and to read at least one over the course of the holiday season. This year my wife gave me Alan Alda's Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself. I have been a big fan of Alan's and admire his integrity and what he does to build a better world. His book has reminded me again of the immense power of what I call the three A's, attitude, attention, and appreciation and how having the right attitude, paying attention and being appreciative of each moment of our lives is key to living the best life we can. Alan's answer to the big question What is the meaning of life? is "the meaning of life is life." You will find a lot of great wisdom in the book.

Find out more about Alan and his books and work here. He is a builder of our new world.

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