Sunday 13 January 2008

Powerful People Engagement Systems

Leading business thinker and writer Gary Hamel says “What ultimately constrains the performance of your organisation is not its business model, nor its operational model, but its management model.”

I couldn’t agree more. Such a model in my view has everything to do with how well we engage our employees, the primary deliverers of value to our other stakeholders.

Creating such models has been my main area of expertise for the past 20 years. Recently I wrote a special report on the subject with Remacue Chairman Lindsay Adams. You can download the free report here.

I encourage you to study the report and complete the performance pulse check at the end and fax to me should you wish to find out more about how myself and my colleagues can work with you to create a system just for you. Powerful people engagement systems are one way we can build our new world.

Be remarkable
Insightpreneur™ - insight-inspiration-ideas-innovation

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