Tuesday 5 August 2008

‘A life at work’ - Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore is one of my favourite authors. His books ‘Care of the Soul’, ‘Soul Mates’, ‘Original Self’, ‘The re-enchantment of everyday life’ have enriched my life. His latest book ‘A life at work’ is a real gem. I highly recomend it to you. For more on Thomas, a builder of our new world, visit his website

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  1. Hi Ian,
    Thank you for recommending Thomas Moore's latest book A Life at Work. Your readers and you may be interested in a free online forum dedicated to his writing, called Barque: Thomas Moore Forum at http://thomasmoore.ning.com . It's associated with a blog covering Moore's activities. Please feel welcomed to join the forum to contribute your thoughts about Moore's insights.

  2. For a moment, I thought you were referring to Sir Thomas More who sacrificed his life for his principles. We should learn more from this truly remarkable Renaissance scholar, lawyer, intellectual and saint, and not to waste our short life on modern-day marketing guys who writes platitude-burdened books for a living.

  3. For a moment, I thought you were referring to Sir Thomas More who sacrificed his life for his principles. We should learn more from this truly remarkable Renaissance scholar, lawyer, intellectual and saint, and not to waste our short life on modern-day marketing guys who writes platitude-burdened books for a living.
