Wednesday 5 November 2008

“The Audacity of Hope”

Barak Obama’s election as the next President of the United States is a great thing for his country and the rest of the world. In my 17 corporate career I worked primarily for American organisations. In my 17 career since as an advisor to difference makers I have witnessed America slip in general terms from being respected to envied to being somewhere between disrespected and hated. This fall from grace has been a great shame for many great Americans and the world. In Obama and hopefully the team he assembles, for one person is incapable of doing what must be done, we have the possibility of seeing America return to being respected. This will be a great accomplishment for them and the rest of the world.

I have seen and am fortunate to know many great speakers. The hallmark of all great speakers is their authenticity. I think Obama is real. Whether or not he can become such a catalyst for the many changes that are essential to building our new world, that the changes actually happen, remains to be seen. He is leading the world in the equivalent to climbing everest. He can be one of the leaders the world so desperately needs (we need much more than one). Why? He carries within him, perhaps like no one before him, the “audacity of hope”. A new world is being born and she cried out in hope from the depths of her being today.

Be remarkable
strategic advisor to difference makers

PS John McCain is a great human being too! We have not seen the last of his service to our world.

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