Thursday 4 December 2008

Branson's a builder of our new world

I have read all of Sir Richard Branson’s books. I also regularly fly on his airlines and use his mobile phone services, so I am obviously a fan. His latest book ‘Business Stripped Bare’ is in my view his best yet. I particularly enjoyed the chapter on Social Responsibility.

Branson writes “Several years ago, I realised that if Virgin really wanted to make a difference with some of the tougher issues facing humanity, we had to start pulling together everything we were doing.” The result was Virgin Unite. “Our fundamental belief is that doing good is great for business. It’s not about the ‘golden charitable cheque’ but, rather, it’s about making sure that we leverage everything we have across our businesses ... There is such a thing as enlightened self interest, and we should encourage it. It is possible to turn a profit while making the world a better place.”

May there be more Richard Branson’s leading our businesses. For more on Virgin Unite click here

You can read 43 pages of Branson's book by clicking on the arrows on the book cover below. Enjoy.

Be remarkable
strategic advisor to difference makers

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