Sunday 2 August 2009

Coincidence often leads to clarity - introducing B1G1

Keith Abraham CSP is an Australian Professional Speaker I admire greatly. Recently I went to his website to get his phone number (my phone died with all the numbers on the phone not the sim card!) While visiting Keith’s site I noticed his support of B1G1 and asked him about it. I then had email conversations with Paul Dunn the Chairman of B1G1. Long story short, Carol (my wife) and I decided our search for an easy way to give via Differencemakers Community was over and we joined B1G1. On the same day Carol and I decided this was our direction I received an email from Richard, a Torchbearer member of Differencemakers Community in Scotland, recommending B1G1! Coincidence often leads to clarity!

From 1st of August a percentage of all Torchbearer membership fees will go to B1G1. The result is two families are fed for a day in Africa/Kenya through World Youth International and we help further the work of Room to Read who believe that “world change starts with educated children- and that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.”

About Buy1GIVE1

Buy1GIVE1™ or B1G1™ matches businesses with charitable causes right around the world so that every business transaction makes a difference somehow, somewhere, every second, every day. But it doesn't just 'match' businesses with worthy causes; it does it at a level never seen before by matching every transaction in some way to a specific outcome. And it does more than that too. Its adds a powerful branding and marketing 'engine' that actually builds business. And that simply means that businesses can give even more to make a difference.

“We’re not here to give in order ‘to get’. We’re here to have more to give more.” - Masami Sato, Founder of Buy1GIVE1

Find out more about free membership of Differencemakers Community here and about Torchbearer membership here.

Be remarkable
Founder Differencemakers Community
Writer and International Business Speaker on how doing good is great for business

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