Friday 28 May 2010

Cisco - a fine example of what a good corporate citizen looks like

Recently I had the privilege of speaking at the Key Media HR Summits in Singapore and Hong Kong. In Singapore I followed Jodi Krause, The Director for Organization Effectiveness for Cisco, who spoke on Engaging Talent for Greater Productivity. As my talk immediately followed Jodi’s, with no break for the audience, I was in the wings for her presentation which I thoroughly enjoyed. In fact it was uncanny how many times Jodi proved with real evidence what I was about to talk about and so of course in my own presentation I referred to what Jodi had said several times.

Later on Jodi and I had a fascinating chat about Cisco and their geniune CSR practices and we have since corresponded with one another.

Here is link to a video by Cisco CEO John Chambers and other Cisco leaders about their CSR practices and philosophies, 5 mins of great insight and some other great information via the link.

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