Wednesday 5 May 2010

McKinsey - can social entrepreneurs create large-scale change?

There are some fascinating and insightful essays here by John Elkington, Bill Drayton, Sally Osberg, Paul Light, Mindy Lubber, and others to answer this question in the What Matters section of McKinsey’s websiite.

I was somewhat surprised by Elkington’s answer and would be interested in your thoughts on his and everyone else’s essays.

I particularly liked Paul Light’s essay on collaboration which for me is the key to bringing about the changes our world so desparately needs.

The ability and willingness to collaborate for the good of people and our planet is the new hallmark of real leadership for me and to date no politician has been able to do it so the baton lies waiting to be picked up by social entrepreneurs, entreprenuers, small business owners, big business owners; for me by insightpreneurs and differencemakers!

Connecting personal leadership, innovation, and sustainability is the key theme for this years differencemakers tour master-classes. You can find out more here.

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