Wednesday 9 June 2010

Can you describe the strategy for your business growth in six words?

The great writer Ernest Hemingway apparently believed the following to be six of his most powerful words: For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never Worn.

My friend and colleague Kwai Yu, Founder of Leaders Cafe 2020 used these words to start a discussion in the Leaders Cafe group on LinkedIn he called Who are you? Could you tell the 'story of you' in six words?

I was fascinated by the replies and then had an ahha moment - could strategy be described in six words? And could doing so increase people's awareness of what the strategy is, and therefore increase the likelihood of execution?

I have since helped several clients to really sharpen their strategy and increase the likelihood of execution by narrowing strategy down to six words including my own as follows:

Challenges, Causes, Channels, Conversations, Core, Community.

My strategy for business growth is to always ensure that I am up to date with the challenges and the underlying causes of such challenges of my clients and prospective clients which focuses my research and the designing, writing, recording, fiming, and capturing solutions which I upload to various digital channels such as this blog, other blogs, my website, my monthly ezine etc etc.

I then follow-up people on my lists and have conversations about the effectiveness of my solutions. A percentage of these conversations turn into core business which for me is presentations, programs, projects, and personal mentoring that inspire individuals and organsiations to step-up your achievements for the good of yourself, other people, our planet, and where appropriate for profit.

Many of the conversations I have and the core business I undertake lead to various forms of community and the creation of communities that make an authentic difference, which is the primary reason I do what I do.

Can you describe the strategy for your business growth in six words?

Being able to describe your strategy in six words, pursuing enlightened self-interest, turning values into virtues, and compelling stories without spin (see previous posts of June 7th, 4th, and 2nd) are four of what I believe are the 8 critical factors for success in modern business.

Be the difference you want to see in the world
Founder Differencemakers Community
Please download my ebook about the 8 critical factors here.

Please join me in Manchester on July 7th for a one day summit on the 8 critical factors. Kwai Yu will be giving a 1 hour presentation on the day about how he has built Leaders Cafe into a successful local and global enterprise in just one year.
Details here.

To invite me to conduct such a summit for your organisation please visit here.

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