Saturday 3 July 2010

Are you paying people to update their Facebook profile?

My strategy for growing my business is to understand the challenges people in my niche markets face and the causes of these challenges, and then post my solutions in a multitude of social media channels such as blogs like this one, my monthly ezine, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Slideshare, just to name a few.  I then have conversations with people who download my solutions and I convert a percentage of these people into my clients.  Some of these people become part of my community and refer me onto other people.

What is your strategy for using social media to grow your business?

Most people when I ask them this question can't answer it because they don't have a strategy!

Many business leaders ban the use of social media during working hours.  I regard this head in the sand approach as stupid and know it is ultimately very costly to business growth.

Some leaders I know allow employees to use the internet for non-core business purposes before 8 am, between 12 and 2 pm and after 4 pm.  This is sensible however if such a policy is not part of an overall strategy then less than desired results are likely.

Are you paying people to update their profiles and engage in social media activities?  The answer is yes whether you like it or not, or have given your employees permission or not.

Having a strategy for using social media in your business means you can get a return on your investment in your employees use of social media and if you involve your employees in the design of strategy they are more likely to execute it and not abuse the privileges you give to them.

What is your strategy for using social media to grow your business?

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