Sunday 15 August 2010

Architectural Window Systems (AWS), role-model in designing products that are great for the environment

One of my clients, Architectural Window Systems (AWS), is at the forefront of designing products that are great for the environment. Below are some very interesting facts from one of their brochures. You can download the full brochure here.

Over the past three years the Australian Property Industry has undertaken a dramatic shift in thinking, a significant trend towards sustainable building design and "Green" building is emerging.

Green buildings are no longer  being  viewed  as  “marginal”  or  “niche”  rather,  investors  and  developers  alike are recognising the potential for green design principles to impact positively on the profitability of the projects.

Commercial office and residential building occupants account for 23% of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

I would be very interested to know of what is a happening in commercial property in your country.
Please email me

The following insights are also contained in the AWS brochure:

2008 Green Building Statistics

The BCI Australia survey for the Green Building Market Report 2008 found that the main trigger for committing to green building included:
  • Rising energy costs: 77% (up from 74% in 2006)
  • Client demand: 65% (up from 56% in 2006)
  • Government regulations: 62% (up from 60% in 2006)
  • Availability of green building technology: 60% (up from 5% in 2006)
  • Worsening of environmental conditions: 57% (up from 27% in 2006)
  • Lower lifecycle costs: 53% (down from 58% in 2006)
  • Superior performance of a green building: 51% (up from 35% in 2006)
  • Industry rating system: 48% (down from 53% in 2006)
  • Increased education: 46 % (up from 2% in 2006)
  • Competitive advantage of green projects: 45% (up from 37% in 2006)
  • Government rating system: 41% (down from 43% in 2006)
The above facts further demonstrate the business case for triple bottom-line businesses (environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic prosperity)

I would be very interested to know about companies like AWS in your country so that I can spread the word. The more we create awareness of role models the sooner it will be that sustainability is the new normal. Please email me examples

Be the difference you want to see in the world
Founder Differencemakers Community
Catalyst for changing what’s normal for the good of people, our planet, and for profit

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian,

    Really important topic this - I'm right behind people like Barack Obama in championing for BIG change; not just in the US for the benefit of the US - but in the world for all.

    I'd hate to think where we as a species will end up if we don't.

    Great thought provoking blog post this, thanks.

