Monday 15 November 2010

Performance reviews deservedly getting a poor review

In the Wall Street Journal of 8th November Joe Light writes:
Performance reviews are getting a poor review—from the very people who run them.

About 58% of human-resources executives graded their own performance-management systems a C or below, according to a May and June survey of 750 HR professionals conducted by New York-based consulting firm Sibson Consulting Inc. and World at Work, a professional association.

Many HR professionals say they're frustrated that managers don't have the courage to give constructive feedback to employees.

Sadly this is not new to me.

On the 8th of November I posed a question to my LinkedIn connections: How often are employees you know having formal performance reviews? More than 50% answered annually. Very few answered quarterly which my experience suggests is best practice.

Success of formal performance reviews however depends on the success of informal reviews. I teach my clients to have frequent appreciation and accountability conversations with their employees. Such conversations are based on personal performance plans that detail personal and business goals and how they will be achieved.

The success of appreciation and accountability conversations dramatically improves performance and means formal reviews only have two purposes; celebrate performance with people and help them update their performance plans.

I am on a mission to eliminate appraisals because in the main they are demotivating for people and deserve their C rating or below.

I would be very interested in your experiences. Please get in touch with me.

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