Monday 6 December 2010

Are you measuring what matters?

I was taken by the following comments by Rebecca Charles in a email to me about the upcoming Measuring What Matters workshop in London on December 14th.

Why should you or someone from your organisation attend this workshop?
1.) 80% of CEOs at large cap companies now believe sustainability and CSR performance is critical to long term success
2.) A wide variety of leading British brands have already made substantial investments in sustainability and the reporting process. See here.

While European countries continue to lead in sustainability performance, every OECD country is exploring mandatory non-financial reporting requirements.
3.) Institutional investors and financial advisors are making buy recommendations based on sustainability and CSR performance
4.) Consumers and other stakeholder groups are using CSR rankings to run comparative campaigns and this will have continued impact on purchasing decisions over time
5.) Companies that are not reporting, or are reporting poorly, are having their messaging hijacked by activist organizations and international NGOs

What does the above mean to you? I would be very interested in your thoughts.

There are some valuable short interviews with Martin Smith of Just Means here.

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