Tuesday 14 December 2010

What have been your lessons from the saga surrounding WikiLeaks?

There has been lots of talk about WikiLeaks. In my view most of it absolute nonsense, particularly from politicians; some of their rhetoric is so nonsensical it is laughable.

The best balanced view I have come across is from Six Pixels of Separation author Mitch Joel who suggests seven lessons:

1.Transpareny first
2.You are media
3.Publishing has changed
4.Informaiton travels fast. Legal or not.
5.Decentralization is real
6.Credible anonymity
7.We are not ready

You can read Mitch's thoughts in full here.

My one conclusion; it is really a long held feeling that has become a conclusion - Political leadership is an oxymoron! We need politicians however no longer as leaders.

What have been your lessons?

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