Thursday 20 January 2011

What is stopping you from achieving your aspirations?

All human beings have aspirations. Most people do not achieve them. In my view this is because most of us do not feel we are worthy of achieving what we aspire to.

A key to being able to feel worthy is our willingness to be vulnerable.

I gained much from this TEDx talk by Brene Brown about being vulnerable.

I would be very interested in your thoughts about vulnerability as a key characteristic of real leadership.

Be the difference you want to see in the world
Founder Differencemakers Community
The Change Master - catalyst for changing what’s normal for the good of people, our planet, and for profit

If you need inspiration to change what’s normal in your life and work then please call me without delay. I can help you via a tailored talk, meaningful and measurable mentoring, a changing what’s normal program or your participation in a Master-class.

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