Tuesday 26 April 2011

How well are you showing the human face of your business?

I am amazed at how many websites I visit where people do not get a mention. This is so bad that I actually wonder often if there are any people in the organisation!

I am equally amazed when I am on Twitter, Facebook, and particularly less popular community sites, at the number of people with no photos of themselves or images rather than their face!

We live in an age where if our humanity doesn’t shine through people are unlikely to really connect with us.

I am a big fan of Michael Stelzner from Social Media Examiner.

Michael’s interview with with Rohit Bhargava, senior vice president of digital strategy and marketing at Ogilvy and the author of the book Personality Not Included really got my attention today, particularly Rohit’s concept of back stories - the reasons we give people to believe in us. You can watch this interview here.

What are your back stories?

How human is your website?

Is your humanity shining through in all the places you have a presence on the web?

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