Friday 15 April 2011

The magic of a manifesto

I have been inspired this week by synchronicity.

Firstly a colleague and differencemakers community member from Ireland Liviu Caliman sent me this link about the work of Futerra, a leader in research and communications about sustainability. There is a lot of brilliant resources at Futerra including this manifesto.

Then I saw a tweet by another differencemakers community member Geoff McDonald from Australia about his manifesto project, the aim of which is to create a freely available resource of 1000 manifestos.
Why? To inspire people to stand up, make change happen and create a world that works.

My changing what's normal manifesto was posted April 14th. I highly recommend you subscribe to Geoff’s manifesto email list and you will receive an excellent ebook about how to write your manifesto the contents of which cover:

1. Manifestos are primal
2. Manifestos terminate the past
3. Manifestos create the future
4. Manifestos trigger communities
5. Manifestos define us
6. Manifestos antagonise others
7. Manifestos inspire being
8. Manifestos provoke action
9. Manifestos command presence

You can get this ebook and post your manifesto here.

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Founder Differencemakers Community

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leave a legacy
do something pioneering, breathtaking, and truly innovative
do well by doing good i.e. thrive in your business and solve a problem in your world at the same time
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