Tuesday 5 April 2011

ROI according to Kevin Roberts = return on involvement

I had the privilege of hearing and meeting Kevin Roberts the CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi last weekend at the National Speakers Association of Australia’s annual convention.

I took away much from Kevin’s talk about the state and future of business and how to stand up and stand out which was the theme of the convention.

I was particularly taken by his insight that ROI = return on involvement. This has really got me thinking and asking questions in the context of turning my brand into a lovemark (Lovemarks is the title of a great book by Kevin I highly recommend).

Who really loves what I do?
Why do they love what I do?
What do I need to do to ensure my relationships with my clients continue to grow?
What can I do that will encourage my clients to be more involved with what I do?
How can I involve myself in what my clients do in ways that will add real value to them?

What would be your answers to these questions?

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