Saturday 14 May 2011

Be a hero in your own home first

Be a hero in your own home first is insight 26 of 58 insights I share in my book Changing What’s Normal which is you can download as a gift from here.

My book and 24/7 access to the companion web page that contains links, downloads, tools, tips, templates, & techniques for your contemplation, and to help you take action in your own way, is a Do It Yourself Change Program.

The format for my sharing of each insight in my book begins with my view of what’s normal, some insights into changing what’s normal, and then an action/s section which includes where appropriate a link to the companion web page.

Be a hero in your own home first


There is conflict for most people between work and home life and never the twain shall meet and one is seen as a means for success in the other.

Changing what’s normal

The first place we must collaborate in is own own homes.

One day at the peak of my corporate career in 1989 when I was working over 100 hours and mostly 7 days a week, I decided on one particular day to arrive home early. I had picked up a new company car on this particular day, the first I had driven with electric windows.

On the way home I played with the new windows and began to reflect on my life. It’s fair to say that by the time I arrived home I had a big head thinking how well I had done from poor beginnings and on how well I was providing for my wife and two children.

With a beaming smile I got out of my new shining car to greet my wife who was standing at the top of the stairs. Right of the bat she said: We need to talk. Now what does that mean male readers?!

She then said: Your children do not know who their father is. And after a long pause she said: I’m starting to wonder as well.

You see I was a hero in my own mind yet not in the hearts and minds of the people who mattered the most to me.

A few days later my daughter came into my study and asked:
Hey Dad, Do you want to get a video?
I will never forget the look on her face when I said: Yes. Let’s go.
Previously I would have told her to get lost or can’t you see I’m busy!

The videos we rented that day were the two part, Anne of Green Cables.

At a certain point in the first part I began to cry. The first time my daughter had ever seen me cry. I was raised that real men don’t cry and had hidden my emotions until that day. Real men do cry.

I changed what was normal for me from that day forward and it has made an incredible difference to the lives of my family and many other people as I have shared this experience worldwide.

It’s not what the world holds for you.
It is what you bring to it.

Anne of Green Cables

In my book each insight is followed by a Action/s section.

Get the book as a gift from me here and take the actions in your own best way.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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