Monday 27 June 2011

1 am GMT 29th June 2011 could be an important deadline for you

I am offering the ebook version and companion online vault of my changing what's normal do it yourself program for half price until 1 am GMT 29th June 2011.

You can take advantage of this offer here.

It is fair to say it has taken me my life to write this book

I believe every human being wants and deserves to be loved, valued, and fulfilled.
Imagine our world when everyone is.

When I made this statement in a speech recently a guy yelled out:
“He believes in Utopia” and laughed out loud.

I don’t believe in Utopia. I do believe in possibility.

Turning possibility into reality is what my book is about.
Most people don't want to sit idly by and accept the so-called new normal as how things are. This new normal is not what most of us want!

If you want to be the difference you want to see in the world then I am offering to partner with you as you do your work.

What I say is not important, rather what you hear yourself say to yourself, and then what you intend, feel, think, and do, that’s what’s important. What I provide is sparkenations.

A sparkenation is a spark that ignites passion that leads to action that changes what’s normal.

It will be up to you to keep your fire burning.

This book and companion online vault package are for you if you are passionate about:

Creating organisations people really care about
Being the difference you want to see in the world
Doing something pioneering, breathtaking, and truly innovative
Change where everyone can win
Leaving a legacy for your children and their children
Change people can actually believe in and make happen
Changing what’s normal for the good of people, our planet,and for profit

In my book I explore 58 sparkenations for you to act on in your own way in order to change what’s normal, thrive on the challenges of change, and to co-create change where everyone can win.

In this little black page-turner-of-a-book, Ian got my attention from line one – and kept me to the end. His short, sharp, compelling words of wisdom resonated at every point. He had me drooling as I scribbled copious notes and wonderful reference points that have already proven their worth. Changing What’s Normal – as we shift, and we are shifting, every home, office and handbag should have one!
--- Susan Furness, CEO of UAE-based Strategic Solutions, a global Edgewalker and guide for Conscious Communications.

News Release about my book is here.

and a short review is here.

When I review books I look for two key things: An idea big enough to create change and a way to implement it. This book has both in spades. It's filled with potent insights you can apply to make your future come true.
--- Geoff McDonald, 

Take advantage of my very special offer of the eversion of my book and 24/7 access to the companion online vault for just $15

Remember to take up this offer you must do so by 1 am GMT 29th June 2011.

Be the difference you want to see in the world
Founder Differencemakers Community

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