Friday 3 June 2011

Be aware of the barriers of busyness

Over the past few weeks I have often been reminded of the barriers of busyness. Most executives, leaders, and managers I know are bound up by busyness. In no way is it exclusive to these roles however. Here are some of the tell tale signs:

* Problem Solving & Decision Making processes not being followed
* Decisions being continually revisited
* Documentation is produced in lieu of action
* Meetings occur with key players absent
* Meetings have no agendas
* Meetings are poorly conducted
* Whiteboards full
* Diaries full
* Inbox full
* Negative body language of staff
* Confusion between what information should be shared and what doesn't need to be

I could go on and on.

Here are a few tips to ensure you are not bound by busyness:

1. Educate yourself and others that communication requires both sending and receiving and results in agreement even if it is agreeing to disagree. Information sharing on the other the other hand is one way

2. Refuse to attend meetings where there is no agenda available well in advance. Don’t discuss anything not on the agenda

3. Review your efficiency and effectiveness weekly, monthly, fortnightly, quarterly, and yearly. A great way to be disciplined is to create and follow a rituals document like mine here.

4. Set aside time each week to do nothing. I sit under a tree somewhere for four hours per week. It is amazing how refreshed we can feel just by doing nothing

5. Get your leadership and management balance right. For some of us it is 80% leadership and 20% management, for others the other way round, and many other combinations. Remember leadership is about people and effectiveness. Management is about systems and efficiency. Leadership is art, management a practice. The two must be in harmony for us to be the best we can be

6. Do not tolerate negativity in any shape or form

7. Block out a lot of space in your diary and/or rituals document where nothing is planned. You will be astounded at how much more effective you become when your diary is no longer full

8. Work on things that are important and urgent. Forget the rest

9. Celebrate process more than outcome

10. Spend time with positive children as often as possible. They have an amazing sense of self, initiative, curiosity, creativity and wonder

Be the difference you want to see in the world.
Ian Berry CSP FAIM
Founder Differencemakers Community

PS For a short time only you can buy my Changing What's Normal book and 24/7 access to the companion web page that contains downloadable files, references, links, tools, tips, techniques, templates, for just $30 here.

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