Wednesday 14 September 2011

Do you still doubt the business case for sustainability or are you leading the way?

I was very interested to read the 31st August 2011 News Release from
Business Council of Australia following a forum held in Sydney ‘The Sustainability Challenge: Business Creativity in Practice’.

Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott said “businesses are already leading the sustainability agenda because:
it believes in a leadership role
it makes good business sense
it is economic reality to want to reduce input costs
it’s a magnet for investors and high-quality staff
it’s fundamental to the social licence to operate
business has the capacity, resources and capital to drive innovation.”

You can read the full release here and also download some of the papers.

I also read with great interest David Coethica’s blog here about Integrated reporting and particularly David’s words “It could very well be another next step forward toward validating the apparently elusive (to some) business case for CSR.”

Do you still doubt the business case for sustainability or are you leading the way?

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