Friday 2 December 2011

Change Your Relationships and significantly increase your success

A recent global leadership study by Right Management, in partnership with Chally Group, found that "failure to build relationships and a team environment" is the biggest contribution to the failure of senior leaders. The table below highlights the key findings of the study. You can download the fully study here.

I am not at all surprised by these findings. Personal change and relationship change precede organisational change. All three are the key focus of my work and the three sections of my Changing What's Normal book.

Yesterday I hosted the first of my 3 part Changing What's Normal webinar series. Next week (the 8th) the focus is on Changing Your Relationships. I will be sharing:

*The key lessons I have learned from being married to the same woman for 38 years and how adaptability to change is the key to any strong relationship
*Why politicians are unable to collaborate and how to not make the mistakes they do and therefore avoid the catastrophes they cause
*Why life-work balance is nonsense and how to achieve life-work harmony

Why not join me? We can never stop working on our relationships!
Registration details are here.

Be the difference you want to see in the world
Author of Changing What's Normal
I partner with people passionate about change who want to break free from the status quo and accelerate turning possibility into reality

Sparkenation: a spark that ignites passion that leads to action that changes what's normal

More sparkenations are here.

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