Friday 20 January 2012

What not to do in the real world

I am a big fan of Seth Godin and most of his daily blog posts get me thinking and often adapting what I do. Seth’s post ‘Learning leadership from Congress’ here certainly got me thinking. Seth lists, using poor old politicians as examples, what we shouldn’t do in the real world.

Three classic what we shouldn’t do from Seth:
“Compromise over the important issues, but dig in and fight forever over trivia.
Along those lines: focus obsessively on the short run.Even though you are virtually assured of re-election, define the long term as "before the next election."
Blame the system, the other side and your predecessors for the fact that you are not taking brave, independent action.”

A co-promise is worth seeking; compromise usually not. Who are you achieving a shared view with and then collaborating to make a real difference?

How many of the debates that you have with your family and your colleagues are over things that really don’t matter? What are you going to do about it?

Short term gain often results in long term pain.
Are your daily actions about the long term? What could you change?

How responsible and accountable are you really? Are you blaming someone or something for not achieving what is important to you?

Yesterday I had a conversation with a leading business figure who told me most business people he knows are ignoring politics and politicians and focusing on what they can influence for the real common good. What are you doing?

We need to sweep away all the BS in our world and get real in order to meet our challenges. How authentic are you?

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