Thursday 5 January 2012

The wizard and myself are building a fire that's going to start a cracker conversation

The Wizard of Wow Paul Dunn and myself are building a fire that's going to start a cracker conversation.

Do you want to ensure 2012 is your best year yet, and,
remove 87% of your business problems fast?

In the past month I cleaned out much of the great amount of stuff I have collected particularly during the years of my research for my changing what's normal book.

I discovered something truly amazing re-reading, sorting and recycling - 87% of our business problems are gone when we remove the BS from our business relationships!
I told Paul about my discovery and he yelled so loud you probably heard him.

Imagine the results possible in 2012 when you have removed the 'stuff' (the BS) that is stopping you from moving forward at great speed.

No BS relationships is one of 7 willabilities.  

The Willability Webinar Series are conversations on each of the 7 and No BS Relationships is the first one on January 19th.

Most webinars are dull, colourless and boring because the presenter does all the talking and slides cure sleep deprivation. My webinars are real, changing what’s normal conversations with real people, in real time, with masters like Paul, and with real world outcomes assuming you do your work immediately following.

Paul and I are building the fire for the conversation right now. When the webinar begins we will light the fire in you.

To ensure everyone has a front row seat and can engage in the conversation the number of participants is limited.

Please register for The Willability Webinars here. Registration is complimentary.

You might want to take the BS Detector Pulse Check first.
You just might be staggered by what it shows and tells you.

“See” you online 19th January 2012 for a conversation that will lead you to ensuring 2012 is your best year yet, and to removing 87% of your business problems fast.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

What's in me for you?

Our work together means you:
Remove the stuff (the BS) that is stopping you from moving forward at great speed,
Actually do what you know you should do,
Discover profound insights that lead to breathtaking, pioneering, and truly innovative action.

I work with people worldwide who want to accelerate turning possibility into reality.

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