Wednesday 21 March 2012

Who is putting your lines in the water?

Many years ago (many!) I sometimes went fishing with my Grandfather. Rising before him one morning I put my line in the water. When Grandpa rose he said: "Did you put my line in too?" I hadn’t and gave him a sheepish look. “The more lines we have in, the more fish we are likely to catch.” he said. I got his point.
It was the beginning for me of thinking about others and not just myself!

There is an old saying that says “the preferred lead is the referred lead.”

Who is referring you? More importantly who are you referring?
We get what we give!

Even more valuable than a referral is taking people whose products/services we value to meet in person with people we know who may value their products/services too.

Who are you doing this for? And who is doing this service for you?

In a social media dominated world where the concepts of friendship, connections and fans etc etc are loosely bandied about, true differentiation comes from what we do in person that others aren’t doing or we are doing what others do, just better, differently or more uniquely.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

I work with leaders to conceive and implement highly successful change programs.

20 sparkenations here to help you ensure 2012 is your best year yet!

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