Thursday 26 April 2012

Mentor or master-mind group? guest post by Andrew Bryant

This is in part a guest post from my friend and colleague Andrew Bryant.

Andrew and myself are soon to co-lead a changing what's normal master-mind group for leaders in Asia.  We will be meeting in Singapore.

Andrew says:

If there is a correlation between having a mentor and success then not having one can seriously jeopardize your career. In my previous post on self-motivation I talked about the ‘heroes jouney’ and how hollywood depicts the meeting with the ‘wise guide’ who helps the hero on his or her quest (think Obe Wan for Luke or Morpheus for Neo). Mentors take many forms and you may have more than one or receive your mentoring from a ‘mastermind group’ as described by Napolean Hill in his timeless book, "Think and Grow Rich.”

The ideal mentor is someone who has been where you are going and is interested and capable to develop you. The effective mentor doesn’t do the work for the hero (mentee) but asks questions that the mentee doesn’t ask themselves but ought to.

The ideal mentee (hero or heroine) is committed to their quest (career), hungry to learn and disciplined enough to execute what they have learned. If this describes you and you don’t currently have a mentor or belong to a mastermind group, what do you do?

Tim Ferris, in his book the 4-hour work week, suggests that you contact the person you most respect and just ask them. This is a good suggestion.  An equally good suggestion is to join a professionally lead mastermind group.

For my thoughts on mentoring please go here.

As I said at the start of this post Andrew and myself are soon to co-lead a changing what's normal master-mind group in Singapore.  To find out more please take 3 minutes to view the slideshare below and then go here for the detail.  Then get in touch with Andrew or myself to secure your place.

Be the difference you want to see in the world

PS Changing What's Normal Master-mind groups also happening soon in Adelaide, Dubai, Geelong, Manchester, Melbourne, Sydney. They can happen anywhere. Please get in touch with me to find out more.

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