Monday 16 July 2012

Are you trying to change what you can’t?

Most business owners/leaders are investing huge amounts of time and energy and/or money in trying to lift the performance of employees.

You need to stop!

You can’t change people or get them to lift their performance in a sustainable way.

Employees who are failing to bring their best to their work on a consistent basis, the majority in most workplaces, need to lift their own performance!

What you need to do is co-create the environment where accountability is possible.

Change can’t be managed

There is a lot of talk about change management.  Ignore it.  You can’t manage change.  What you can do is manage the things around change such as systems, processes etc., etc.  You can read more about this in my article Change Management is an oxymoron here.

Make it your practice this week to lead people and change and stop trying to manage either.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.


I work with leaders to conceive and achieve highly successful change initiatives.

I am getting very excited because my Enhancing their gifts™ system that enables business owners/leaders employing more than 20 people to lead change and people will soon be available to implement without my involvement.

I am conducting a never-to-be-repeated 1 day workshop in Melbourne to complete the filming of the stories, philosophies and techniques that are integral to the system.  You can find out more here.

If you can’t make it to Melbourne in September please subscribe to my complimentary Enhancing their gifts™ 9 lessons online course here.

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