Wednesday 12 September 2012

Are you seeing through their eyes?

I helped a team of people through a conflict yesterday.

The trouble was everyone was seeing the issues through their eyes.

I asked people to look at the challenges through the eyes of the various stakeholders explaining that one of the skills of real leadership is being able to hold several views in your mind at once, even if you disagree with this or that viewpoint.

It was an enlightening conversation.

We then explored shared-view and how sometimes we need to let go what is precious to us in order to find a way forward that leads to what is best for all stakeholders.

See my blog about shared view here.

What emerged was a co-promise and a commitment to a win/win/win way forward that most participants thought was going to be impossible at the beginning of our conversation.

Marcel Proust had it right many years ago when he observed "The magic of discovery lies not in new landscapes but in having new eyes."

Be the difference you want to see in the world

I work with business owners/leaders of medium sized business and leaders of divisions in multi-national companies to lift employee performance by enhancing their gifts.

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