Sunday 17 February 2013

Think big, take small actions, inspire other people to join you, help other people achieve what's important to them

This Sunday's sparkenation - Think big, take small actions, inspire other people to join you, help other people achieve what's important to them.

Most big results happen through many small actions taken by many people over time.  I have been observing a major above ground freeway being built.  There was nothing at the start except the big idea and the plan.  For a long time there seemed to be little progress, lots of people beavering away with little to show for their work.  And then ...

Your work is like this.

What’s your big idea?  What is your plan to achieve it? What small actions will you take next?  Who has their shoulder at the wheel with you?  Who can you inspire to join you in turning your dream into reality?  How many people are you helping to fulfill their dreams?

Be the difference you want to see in the world.


Author of Changing What’s Normal

Creator of the Enhancing Their Gifts System
 - the simple framework that profoundly unleashes employee talent.

Experience the system first hand here.

More sparkenations here.

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