Wednesday 20 February 2013

Your purpose is value creation

My thanks to Paul Dunn Chairman of B1G1 an organisation that clearly knows it's purpose (and one I am honoured to partner with) for the quote below after reading my post yesterday The Pull of Purpose.

"My body cannot exist without me producing red blood cells. But the purpose of my life is not to produce red blood cells. Similarly a business cannot exist unless it makes a profit. But its most important purpose is value creation for its inter-dependent stakeholders."
John Mackey co-CEO of Whole Foods Markets

What value are you creating for your inter-dependent stakeholders in ways no one else is or in ways that are better, different or more unique than others?

Be the difference you want to see in the world.
Creator of the Enhancing Their Gifts System™
- the simple framework that profoundly unleashes employee talent.
Easy to implement.
People focused.
ROI tangible, not just talk.

Experience the Enhancing Their Gifts System™ first hand here.

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