Thursday 2 May 2013

You may have to shift your strategy to fully unleash your talents

If you find yourself not doing your best work every day you may have to shift your strategy to fully unleash your talents.

In a recent blog post Seth Godin said “Your talent deserves the shift in strategy that will let you do your best work.”

I couldn’t agree more.

You are a unique person.  Do you truly know what is unique about you?  Are you bringing your specialness to your work every day?

The Doing Your Life’s Work Pulse Check may help you.   And completing it means you can also download my Changing What’s Normal book with my compliments.

Not sure about what’s special about you?  Need to shift your strategy to unleash your talents?  Take up my Monday morning mentoring complimentary offer and I will help you. 

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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