Friday 21 June 2013

Happy Birthday to Buy1Give1 - Business Giving Re-defined

The great organisation Buy1Give1 is celebrating its 6th birthday this week.  In a very short time it has made more than 27 million micro-giving impacts.

Check out B1G1's great story.  At the bottom of the link check out the TEDx talk by B1G1 Chairman Paul Dunn.  You will love it!

At Changing What's Normal and in the Talent Enhancers Tribe giving is at our core and we are proud to be a part of B1G1's great story.  We made our latest contribution yesterday as a part of the birthday celebrations.  6 balloons are being pumped every time a member gives this week.  How cool that in B1G1's office they are drowning in a see of balloons.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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