Monday 24 June 2013

What’s your best platform for sharing your story?

“Use the platform that lets you tell your story the way you best want to tell it.”
Chris Brogan

A lot of very valuable insights come from Chris. I found the above in his latest blog post

In terms of online this blog is my preferred platform for sharing my story.

The FAQs page for the Enhancing Their Gifts System would be next.
My free resources page next. 
The Talent Enhancers Tribe page is next.

I use Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter to share and spread the above and to share and spread what my friends and colleagues are sharing that I believe would be valuable for the people I do business with.

The reason I do all of the above and more, is to give a specific group of people value in advance of doing business with me.

My most preferred platform for sharing my story though is in-person with people who value what I have have to offer, know people who would value what I have to offer, and are prepared to introduce me to them.  Deep emotional connection relationships of high value and mutual reward is what I am focused on which for me only happens in-person.

My friend and colleague Gihan Perera says “niche guys finish first.”  I think he is right.  I am very clear on who my niche is.  You are

Ethical, salt of the earth leaders who live humanist values, and are willing to disrupt the status quo when same no longer serves humanity.

You have a keen sense of humour.
You are willing to be accountable.
You see people as they can be, rather than as they are, as overviewed my You’re Special signature story.

You are willing to seriously invest in people.

Typically you have a performance management system that isn’t leading to desired performance improvement or you are looking for a system that will.

You would answer no to parts or all of the following:

Are the majority of your employees bringing their best to their work on a consistent basis?
Do most of your people excel at having conversations about performance when there is difficulty, conflict or disagreement?
Are most of your employees wise investors in time?
Do all of your employees know their unique gifts/talents and are they enhancing them in their work?
Is your performance management system leading to definitive and easily measurable performance improvement?
Do the majority of your employees know your strategy for growth and particularly do they own their unique piece of your execution map?

What’s your story, how are you sharing it, and who are you sharing it for?

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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