Saturday 27 July 2013

Finding the constants amongst the calm and the chaotic

Later today my nephew will marry his sweetheart.  A day of joy and celebration awaits family and friends. 

There will also been moments of sadness as some of us will reflect on the fact that my parents are no longer around.  My father never knew that his grandson followed in his footsteps and has become a craftsman like him.

This is life, joy and sadness, and often at the same time.

What we value in life are the constants, the stable things that are there regardless of the ebb and flow, the pain and pleasure, the joy and sadness.

Think about this in your business too.  Yes your customers/clients want you to be remarkable.  They also need you to be reliable.  When things are going well and not so well we look for the stable. We want assuredness.  We want to feel safe and secure even when all hell is breaking loose.

In your business and your personal relationships what are the constants, the things that you can really count on no matter what the situation?

And who is counting on you?  How do others count on you?

The calm and the chaotic are both natural parts of live.  Whoever is constant in times of triumph and trouble are the leaders we follow.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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