Saturday 13 July 2013

The simple success test: Is your intention to give or to get?

"I would like people to be more caring" was one of my clients answers to my question "What do you want more of in your business?"  I then asked "In all that you are doing personally how much are you demonstrating that you really care? After a long pause my client reflected that she wasn't as caring as she could be.

Whatever we want more of in our lives and in our businesses, the journey begins with what we give.

The simple success test: Is your intention to give or to get?
Is your intention being reflected in your actions?

Want your people to care more?  Care more for them.

Want to be appreciated more? Be more appreciative of others.

Want your customers to have a greater experience? Ensure your employees are having a great experience.

Take some time this weekend to reflect on the law of reciprocity This definition in Wikipedia may help you.  Then focus next week on giving without attachment to getting back.

Please let me know what happens.  I would love to share your successes so that others may benefit.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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