Wednesday 28 August 2013

Ask what if? then go do!

One of the great questions real leaders often ask is What if ...?

Following through on the answer/s is paramount to success.

I often use to book accommodation. When my wife travels with me we often go for the mystery deal to add to the fun of travel.

I have always found wotif great to do business with. They have stepped up their value recently.

24 hours after I made a booking yesterday on wotif I received the following email:

"Hi Ian,

We hope you're looking forward to your stay at Rockford Adelaide from 02-Sep.

Our friends at have some great offers on things you might like to do while in Adelaide. Have a fantastic trip!"

Cool hey? 
It really doesn't take much to improve the experience for our customers/clients.

Like all aspects of performance improvement and delivering value, it's about asking What if ...? followed up by go do.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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