Thursday 1 August 2013

Hooray - the Talent Enhancers Tribe has a new online home

I am thrilled to formally announce that the Talent Enhancers Tribe has a new online home.

The Talent Enhancers Tribe recognises that organisations have different needs and budgets. There are 8 levels of engagement you can choose from. E1-E4 offer online support. E5-E8 provide bespoke services including in-person mentoring and online support.

When you visit our online home here please click on the icons below to find out all about the great benefits of each level.

Our cause, our reason for being in the Talent Enhancers Tribe is to fundamentally change how most people see themselves and other human beings. We’re about influencing and inspiring each other and everyone we connect with to discover, enhance and bring our unique talents/gifts to every aspect of our lives, every single day.

If you believe like we do that the number one role of leadership is to enhance people’s gifts/talents – in yourself and in the people around you, please join us today.

Best wishes
Ian Berry
Founder Talent Enhancers Tribe and on behalf of tribal elders.

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