Monday 2 September 2013

Key discoveries I have made about people and talent enhancement - part three

This is the third of three articles about why I believe that helping your employees to feel valued, fulfilled, and loved is the biggest and best thing you can do to grow your business.

Part one Helping your employees to feel loved, you can read it here.

If you would like all three articles in the one paper please download here.

Article three - Helping your employees to feel valued

In every organisation there ought to be a strong, unbreakable bond between values, value and valued. Unfortunately their rarely is.

Most organisations have stated values. Very few are lived. Rarely is there a shared-view around the behaviours that demonstrate your values. Of course if you are the exception rather than the rule you have competitive advantage.

To help your people feel more valued your first step is to agree with them about what your values are. There must be alignment between personal and organisational values. Any disconnect means trouble. The good news is that there are many universal values. The second step is crucial, it’s about reaching a shared view with your people about what behaviours mean you live your values.

With the above as a foundation you can accurately determine and agree on what value must be delivered to all the stakeholders of your organisation. Delivering value to others that they demand, desire and feel that they deserve is fundamental to helping people to feel valued.

Living values and delivering value pave the way for appreciating people which is also fundamental in helping them to feel valued.

The eminent psychologist and philosopher William James famously observed:

"The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated."

There are many simple and common sense actions for expressing your appreciation to your employees. All of them contribute to them feeling more valued. Here are just a few

Catch people doing things right and doing the right thing.
Give people genuine compliments.
Informally and formally celebrate with people what is going well for them.
Always say please and thank you and mean it.
Be courteous and kind.
Share stories about the successes of your people.
Be compassionate.

Many of the statements in the Valued, Fulfilled and Loved Performance Possibility Pulse Check reflect these common sense actions. Have you taken the pulse check yet and seen how well you’re going?

A further simple yet profound way to help people feel valued is to find out what is really important to them and then help them to achieve whatever it is.

The more people feel valued, the more they will deliver value to others, and the more they will live the behaviours of your values. You can see why I say that there ought to be a strong, unbreakable bond between values, value and valued.

Some time ago I wrote Values and value based businesses are on the rise. Is your business on the rise?

Helping your people to feel valued is a key component of the journey. When your people feel fulfilled and loved as well as valued, consistent high performance is a consequence. 

If you would like all three articles about valued, fulfilled and loved in the one paper please download here.

5 possible actions to take

#1. Take the Valued, Fulfilled and Loved Performance Possibility Pulse Check. You just might be staggered by the result it will reveal to you. You download a copy of my Changing What’s Normal book as soon as you press send.

#2. Take up my offer of a complimentary analysis of the results of your pulse check.

#3. Join the Talent Enhancers Tribe. It’s the place on the planet to belong to for everyone passionate about being breathtakingly brilliant at enhancing talent, your number one role as a leader.

#4. Invite me to come and speak at your next conference or special in-house meeting. I promise to stir hearts, shift thinking, and help you to step-up your achievements.

#5. Get your Enhancing Their Gifts System license and implement and embed the system in your organisation with support as you do so online or bespoke and in person with an accredited mentor.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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