Wednesday 20 November 2013

Common sense, delivering value, and providing a unique experience are closely connected

I have been on aircrafts so many times I rarely hear what comes over the loudspeaker. For some reason on a flight last evening I heard  something like “we have three lavatories on board, one for our business class customers up the front and two at the rear if you are seated in the main cabin.”

The irony for me with this announcement was there was one person in business class! 

It would have been great had the hostess said something like “we have three lavatories on board, one for our business class customers up the front and two at the rear for the main cabin. As there is only one guest in business class tonight those of you seated in rows 13 and forwards may also use the loo up front. Who knows you might decide to go business class next time you fly.” 

I am sure a lot of frequent flyers like me would have heard the difference, had a chuckle, and congratulated the hostess on the way out for her humour and initiative.

Common sense matters and has a lot to do with delivering value, and providing a unique experience for our customers/clients.

When I entered the aircraft last night the hostess told me where my seat was, information that is of no value to me as a frequent flyer and therefore a different conversation is needed.

How often do you review your processes and proceedures? How much common sense is going on? And crucially, Are your employees empowered to use their initiative? 

Common sense and delivering value are linked more than ever and are a key to providing a unique experience for our customers/clients.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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