Sunday 8 December 2013

Making a difference and making a living

This Sunday’s sparkenation.

I am inspired this week by my daughter Jessica who has embarked on a crowd funding project (see below) to get her amazing books for children published. Jessica is doing what she has always wanted to do, bring her unique gifts to the world.

When Jessica was a child my focus was about making a living and climbing the corporate ladder. When I reached the top I felt empty inside and for a period regretted the climb and the lack of quality time I had spent with my family.

For the past 22 years my focus has been about making a difference. My corporate experience and success has mattered and still does. As a consequence of my focus and my expertise I am making a very good living.

The majority of people focus on making a living. Some people focus on making a difference.

A few people are focused on making a difference and making a living.
Is this you?

In the great entrepreneurial revolution we are experiencing today, fueled by the power of the internet and a vast array of technological tools, we can all make a difference and make a living. And we can do so with joy by doing what we love in the service of people who love what we do.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

“Do what you love in the service of people who love what you do.”
Steven Farber, The Radical Leap.

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