Thursday 26 December 2013

Our willingness to be vulnerable, a key to unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit within us all

I have just completed reading for the second time 'Daring Greatly. How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead' by Brene Brown. It is a very insightful book.

This second reading followed my study of Daniel Priestley's great book 'The Entrepeneur Revolution' which is a great companion to Daniel's first best seller 'Become A Key Person of Influence', a book that helped me greatly to productise my Enhancing Their Gifts System.

Reading these books got me thinking about the connection between vulnerability and being an entrepreneur.

There is indeed an Entrepreneur Revolution happening. And an intrepreneur one too.

Our willingness to be vulnerable, is a key to unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit within us all.

Please give this thought as one year closes and then take action as another year begins.

May you be vulnerable and unleash the entrepreneur/intrepreneur within.

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