Thursday 2 January 2014

Expect More From 2014 and one way to turn expectations into reality

I was delighted to contribute to an ebook produced by my friend and colleague Gihan Perera for the eighth year in a row.

Please download Expect More From 2014 with our compliments here. 32 experts share a way in this ebook to achieve more of what you want.

My contribution on page 4 is a test I recommend you take. It's about having a distinguished business.

One way to turn expectations into reality and make this new year happy
Taking my test is one thing. Acting on the results is another thing altogether. I can help you.

On Monday mornings wherever you happen to be in the world I offer complimentary mentoring sessions. I do this for two reasons 1) is simply to help others. 2) try before you buy so that you can decide whether or not I can be your performance partner.

Find out how my monday morning mentoring works here and organise your session.

Make your new year happy by being the difference you want to see in the world.

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