Monday 20 January 2014

Heart and Mind share is what matters long before market share

This is an interesting Huffington post about why Amazon is popular and Walmart is not and yet the two companies are very similar albeit with different modis operandi.

The post referred to above reminded me of a great line by Scott McKain CSP, CPAE who says
“mind-share precedes market share.”

When it comes to being distinctive Scott is the expert I refer to and recommend.

In my view heart-share precedes mind-share. People buy based on emotions more than anything else.

Where are you are at in the hearts and minds of your customers/clients and your employees?
(see also heart-count in Phil Jesson's guest post on 14th January)

And for customers/clients and employees you are wanting to stay and attract, what do you need to do to gain heart and mind share?

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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