Wednesday 29 January 2014

Is your business overcoming the challenges of the ieconomy?

As the owner of an iphone I find this is a very interesting graphic.

Series of Pulitzer Prize winning ieconomy articles very insightful too.

What effect is the new world of work having on your business?

And what are you doing about it?

To thrive in business in the 21st century you either do what others aren't doing, which is very hard to do, or you do what others do, just better, differently, or more uniquely. Likely too that you are serving a clearly defined niche or niches. This is all about differentiation.

Differentiation is not enough though. We must be remarkable at Discovery, Drive, Delivery and Distinction too.

How well are you doing?

Please complete the diagnostic below and email it to me and I will email you my paper about The delightful design of a distinguished 21st century business. If appropriate I will also discuss with you a No BS mentoring program just for you to help you to close your performance gaps.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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