Wednesday 12 February 2014

A key reason why employee engagement strategies are failing miserably and what to do about it

Only about 1 in 8 employees are engaged according to Gallup’s most recent study that involved people in 142 countries. Actively disengaged employees outnumber the engaged 2:1.

Why this catastrophic failure to engage employees?

A key reason in my view that it’s not just about your business.

According to Gallup engagement means “employees emotionally invested in and focused on creating value for their organizations every day.”

This is something you want right?

I believe such engagement is an outcome of what you are doing for your employees.

The thing is your employees don’t care about the goals of your business as much as they care about their own goals.

How are you helping your employees to achieve what’s important for them?

What I see is that employers helping their employees achieve what’s important to them end up with employees helping you achieve what’s important to you.

What you should be focused on is helping your employees to feel valued, fulfilled, and loved. A consequence will be “employees emotionally invested in and focused on creating value for their organizations every day.”

I define employee engagement as people bringing their best to their work every day. When people feel valued, fulfilled, and loved this is what they do.

Further insights to help you to take action.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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