Friday 25 April 2014

Asking Do I do this? is better than saying I know that

Recently a client of mine was in the audience for one of my presentations for I think the seventh time. When I saw him afterwards I asked him what he got from the presentation. He replied "I didn't learn anything new but you reminded me of a hell of a lot."

This is often a reaction we have is it not when we sit in an audience or read something we know? We say to ourselves "I know that."

A better question to ask that I learned from an email from Ian Brodie recently is "Do I do this?"

Next time you hear yourself say "I know that," stop yourself and ask "Do I do this?"

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

“To know and not to do is really not to know.”
attributed to Stephen Covey yet probably earlier Zen wisdom.

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