Friday 9 May 2014

Discovering Your Life's Work

According to Gallup and many other leading researchers into employee engagement, less than 20% of employees in the world are fully engaged in their work.

There are many reasons for this disaster. Ineffective leadership, inefficient management, and a failure to understand that employee engagement is an outcome of other actions, head the list.

Often overlooked is the fact that millions of people aren't able or allowed to do what they love in the service of people who love what they do. Hence they're disengaged.

My Discovering Your Life's Work diagnostic tool is a game-changer for anyone serious about consistently bringing their best to their work and being fully engaged. The tool is based on my work with 1000s of people worldwide since 1991 and the ground breaking insights of four of my maverick thinker heroes as pictured.

The only way you can get my Discovering Your Life's Work diagnostic tool is to join Maverick Thinkers Studio - the sanctuary where time-poor business leaders come to fast track overcoming resistance to and the fear of change, and to learn to thrive on the challenges of change.

Inside Maverick Thinkers Studio I am in the process of uploading all my key research insights, tools, tips, techniques, templates, ebooks, workbooks, videos, articles, papers, links, interviews, checklists, diagnostics, articles, slideshares, handouts; you name it. There are already more than 100 pieces of art in my studio.

For the month of May 2014 only, for clients and readers of this blog and my other publications, and any business owner/leader who reads this, you can join the Enrolled level of Maverick Thinkers Studio for just $220, which means a 50% savings on the normal fee. Simply mention this offer when you call for your tour of Maverick Thinkers Studio.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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